thank you

The hug lasted a minute too long. Maybe two. It was one of those “I’m here for you” hugs that only happen in times of need. Regardless, it felt nice. Touch felt nice. She pulled back, cupped my face in her hands and smiled. “You’re going to be fine” she told me. Funny thing is, I believed her. An unexpected source of support that I hadn’t anticipated. It was amazing. People amaze me.

I have given numerous shout outs to my friends throughout this ordeal. I feel I have given due props to those to deserve it (ups to Salt n Peppa for the lyric, yo) but I also feel like there are many people who have gone out of their way to offer love that I haven’t mentioned. It’s not my usual “style” of post, but I want those who have truly reached out, truly been there, to know how much I appreciate them. So without further ado…. I give you.. my heartfelt thanks.

Heather- There are no words for all you have done for me. You, your husband, your family- have saved me. 100% saved me. Gave me hope, smiles, laughter, and so much more. I love you.

Missy-Always my shoulder, my drug dealer ( 🙂 ) my sister for life. Will always look to you and rely on you.

Margie and Jim- although you may never see this, you are my angels. You take care of my kids when I can’t, you provide a roof, safety, security, love. You are to me the bar to which all others shall be held.

My mom and step-father- so unabashedly loving. So giving. So willing to forgo for me to stand tall. Amazing.

Grace- we were never “close”. But you text me every day to see how I am. You send me inspirational quotes, and remind me every day that it gets better. You are strong, courageous, and real. I apologize for not knowing that about you before all this mess.

Damon- you have shocked me in more ways than one. You are wise beyond credit I ever gave you. You have surprised me more than anyone.

Leslie- damn you and your fab hair skills. You wouldn’t let me pay. But my hair looks amazing. And you make me feel normal when I talk to you. That’s hard to find right now.

My girls, too many to name but I’ll try- Brooke. Caroline. Robin. Sarah. Erin. Carie. Angela. Amy H. Amy J. Mandy. Tracy C. Tracey W. Jenny. Shelley. Janelle. Jennifer B. Stacy. Nicole W.. Melissa H. Michelle. Nicole J. Every one of you checked on me. More than once. Without expectations or intent. You just wanted to be sure I was ok.

My co-workers- Nae, Jo, Janet, Sandy. The 4 I told. The 4 I trust. The 4 who have been there.

Jerrod, CL- my twitter friends, my confidantes. You don’t even really know me and yet you have been there from the get go. That’s pretty goddamn cool of you.

My extended family- texts, phone calls, compliments, offers to help even though you’re thousands of miles away. Just. Wow.

So this post may be a bit cheesy. A bit Hallmark-ish, but I needed to put it out there to you all… that every time you check on me, every text, every e-mail, every hug and concerned smile, everything you have done has helped me. All of it. And I don’t take one ounce of it for granted. I love you all and your support means more to me than I will ever fully be able to explain to you. Your kindness has made me, and continues to make me, a better human being. Thank you, from the bottom of my broken (but not forever) heart.

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