September 11, 2024

Friday Night Confessions (on *Monday).

2 min read

Yesterday, I cleaned out the whole pantry, only because I was sure there was some chocolate in there somewhere.

There wasn’t.

So I got a spoon and ate some (all) of the Milo, which I discovered during the pantry strip search, straight from the tin.

Somedays, when I’ve cleaned up the fiftieth boy wee from the floor of the toilet because he missed again, I just wish that Noah had never been toilet trained.

Nappies were so much easier.

On days like that I have often thought about marketing some kind of disposable nappy carpet.

Good for mothers but very very bad for the environment.

Last night, I told the kids I wasn’t hungry and passed on dinner

but later ate an enormous piece of chocolate cake that Maddy baked,

whipped cream and all

and tonight, at the suggestion of cookie dough going with everything I seriously considered putting crumbled up biscuit into the mashed potato.

My bad.

Some of my twitter friends and I have been confessing our, er, naughtiness on a Friday evening and I thought it might be cool to have you all play along.

Nothing major (unless you want to of course) just some light hearted fun.

Would you?

I’d love it if you would.

You could just leave a comment or you could link up to your own confessional on your blog in the comments, if you want

or you could even be anonymous.

I’ve never done anything like this and, you know, it might totally bomb and I may be confessing to only myself and the crickets


what are your Friday night confessions (on *Thursday)?

*Thurday because Friday is entirely too far away

and because we have to go to the immunologist tomorrow

and because I could use some light heartedness today.